How We Can Help
Personalised Care
It is widely recognised that living in the familiar surroundings of one’s own home is good for our physical and emotional wellbeing. However frailty and health challenges may mean there comes a time when help and support at home is needed to remain safe and live independently.
Maintaining independence and quality of life is about more than just help with the practical daily tasks. Companionship and social interaction, keeping mentally and physically active, eating well and enjoying hobbies are all important to promote health and wellbeing as we age.
Being sensitive to you or your loved as an individual and respecting those values you hold dear is all part of our philosophy. Your dignity, privacy and freedom to make your own choices are all central to our core values.
As appropriate we will work closely with health and other professionals and liaise with family to ensure you receive the joined up support you deserve.
We carefully monitor the care you receive through both regular telephone calls, personal visits and our formal client feedback and quality assurance process. We can then adjust the care as needed, making sure it is right for you. You and your family also have access to the client portal on our website, keeping you up to date with the care we are providing.
At All about Home Care we are committed to providing the personalised care and support you or your love one needs to remain independent and enjoy living in the comfort of your own home. A service centered around you, supporting your safety, well-being and enjoyment of life.